CCRI Class of 2023 Released

We are pleased to announce that the College and Career Readiness Indicators (CCRI) reports for the Class of 2023 are now available. The reports provide a view of how our students have fared in high school and what happens once they enter college. The CCRI report is an annual collaboration between the Hawai‘i State Department of Education and the University of Hawai‘i System, and is produced by Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education (Hawai‘i P-20).
The college-going rate for the Class of 2023 remained steady at 51% from the previous year, with 31% enrolling at an UH campus.

Other Class of 2023 Highlights:

  • On-time graduation rate has recovered to 86% from 85% in 2022;
  • Dual credit participants earning 6+ college credits rose to 16% for the Class of 2023; and
  • Career Technical Education (CTE) concentrators remained at 64%.

The summary statewide Class of 2023 CCRI report, as well as the high school, county, and complex area reports can be found here:

Demographic breakdowns and additional data can be viewed via the CCRI dashboard.

We encourage you to join our webinar on Wednesday, March 27 at 9:00 am where we will more fully explore the CCRI results and demonstrate how to use the CCRI online dashboards.

Class of 2023: CCRI Report Webinar Registration link
