
Growth in dual credit participation has been strongest for under-represented student groups such as Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islanders, and Filipinos.

89% of students who participate in dual credit enroll in college compared to 66% of non-dual credit participants

The number of UH graduates with a Bachelor degree found in Hawai‘i’s workforce drops from 69% one year after graduating to 55% five years after graduation. 

Of the public school graduates that go to college, most will enroll within the first two years after high school.


34% of the Hawai‘i State Department of Education Class of 2016 that enrolled in college earned a degree or certificate within six years of their high school graduation.


15% percent of the economically disadvantaged students from the Hawai‘i State Department of Education Class of 2012 that enrolled at the University of Hawai‘i completed college within six years of graduating high school.

Students who exit English Learner (EL) services (become proficient in English) before high school have better graduation and college enrollment outcomes than non-EL students.

For the Class of 2018, 61% of public school graduates who completed a Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway enrolled in college compared to the 55% statewide average for all graduates.

University of Hawai‘i graduates with Education degrees were more likely to be found in Hawai‘i’s workforce five years after graduation compared to all non-education majors.

Public school graduates who earned a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) honors certificate or completed a STEM-related Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway had higher college enrollment rates compared to the statewide average. 

Students with technology degrees were more likely to be found in Hawai‘i’s workforce five years after graduation from the University of Hawai‘i compared to other STEM graduates.
